Dav file to mp4
Dav file to mp4

dav file to mp4

If you have similar needs and want a feature added, email me or comment at the bottom of this page and I’ll add the feature if I can make time. You install it by unzipping the ZIP file into a folder and run it by double-clicking on dav2mp4.exe (Windows only for now, sorry). If all you want to do is USE the program, you can save yourself the trouble of installing Python and the ffmpeg binaries by grabbing the installation package I’ve put together with pyinstaller as a github release. You can grab the source code on Dav2Mp4’s github page. This program is written in Python, and calls ffmpeg to do the video conversion. I recommend using the excellent and free VLC media player to view video and display the subtitles.


This program will also merge contiguous video files into single larger MP4 video files. The DAV video files are sometimes broken up into hundreds of small segments showing just a few minutes in each file. It also creates subtitles with the running timestamps to make it clear as you seek and view through the video where you are. After installing DAV software from several different security camera manufacturers I got fed up and wrote this program to convert a large collection of DAV video files into standard MP4 video. The vendor software that works with DAV video is awful to the point of being unusable - crashing constantly, inconsistent seeking and labelling of times, finicky interface that sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t.

dav file to mp4

I’ve worked on several projects involving video from security cameras, and in most cases the video was stored in the proprietary DAV (Dahua Video) format. I wrote this program to convert DAV videos into standard MP4 video. Many security cameras export video in a proprietary format called DAV which is difficult to work with. Python, forensics, programming, video-editing

Dav file to mp4